Senin, 19 Februari 2018


Bahan Presentasi untuk Mata Kuliah Sensor TA smt ganjil 2018-2019

Dosen : Darwison M.T


1.J.G Webster (ed) Measurement,Instrumentation,and Sensor Handbook CRCnetBASE 1999,CRC PRESSLLC,1999

2.J.Michael Jacob (1989) “Industrial Control Electronics Applications and Design” London, Prentice-Hall International.

3. Thomas Hardy (2015), ”Structure Design and Performance Analysis of a Coaxial Cylindrical Capacitive Sensor for Level Measurement”.

4.William C.Dunn (2005) “Fundamental of Industrial Instrumentation and Process Control” USA, McGraw-Hill.

5. Sarath TM, Subha Hency Jose P, Daniel Furtado (2013). “Level Measurement Using MEMS Sensors”, Vol 3, hal 118-121.

6. Tippler (1998), “Prinsip Dasar Fisika untuk Sains dan teknik”, Erlangga, Jakarta